This is a 12 volt pizza oven that plugs right into your god damn car. Finally I can make that Mama Celeste pizza on my way to the free clinic, the brothel, or over to pick up a hot date (where we would probably be eating more pizza before going to the park to "talk"). Now, being 'merican I LOVE getting shit as quick as possible, and when you combine that with driving it's like a match made in pizza-heaven. Delicious? Yes. Portable? Fuck yea. Safe? Pshhhhh yea right.
So am I gonna get one of these things? You're damn fucking right I am, and I suggest everyone on the planet gets one...it's only thirty six dollars! Then you can have pizza all the time, even when pizza most likely shouldn't be made or eaten. Nothing screams driver safety like popping in an eight inch pizza to your in-car pizza oven whilest shuffling through your ipod or texting your friends about how awesome your new in-car pizza oven is. That is until you crash and die, but hey you had a good run.
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